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upcoming event

  • 11 July 2024 19:00 - 21:00

  • Hilton Tokyo

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On February 2nd, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Japan hosted a captivating evening featuring Anton Wörmann, where attendees delved into Japan's housing dilemma and its promising potential.


Anton Wörmann engaged the audience with insights into Japan's challenge of abandoned houses and the vast opportunities they offer. He highlighted Japan's capacity for sustainable growth, encouraging everyone to embrace the country's possibilities.


Sharing his own journey from modeling to innovative house renovation, Anton painted a inspiring picture of his personal transformation. His story illustrated the power of resilience, creativity, and cultural immersion in shaping a fulfilling career path.


After Anton's talk, guests enjoyed a delightful spread of authentic Swedish cuisine, fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie and cultural exchange. Attendees got time to network and build connections within the Japanese-Swedish community while indulging in delicious food.


A sincere thanks to Volvo Car Japan for hosting the event at the elegant Volvo Studio Tokyo, adding to the evening's ambiance with their stylish venue and support. 



2月2日、スウェーデン商工会議所(SCCJ)は、Anton Wörmann氏をゲストに迎えたスペシャルイベントを開催し、参加者は日本の空き家住宅のジレンマとその将来性について掘り下げました。


Anton Wörmann氏は、日本の空き家の課題と、それが提供する広大な機会についての洞察で聴衆を引き込みました。彼は日本が持つ持続可能な成長の可能性を強調し、日本の空き家の持つ可能性について皆さんに紹介しました。






このイベントの成功に貢献して下さった、素晴らしいVolvo Studio Tokyoでの開催に感謝いたします。夜の雰囲気をスタイリッシュな会場とサポートで彩ってくれたVolvo Car Japanに心から感謝いたします。